Thursday, February 19, 2009

Surveys Distributed

The Main Street Program has placed printed surveys and a brochure in selected retail establishments in the town and surrounding area. In an effort to measure community interest, a quick and easy survey is being circulated.

The survey measures citizens' interest in revitalizing the downtown historic district, touching on several community and business topics. The community section questions include topics on art galleries, farmers' markets, community concerts and street events. Other topics include historic preservation, a river-front park and other street landscaping. The business section quizzes people about bookstores, restaurants and the need for other types of specialty shops. Other sections measure interest in perceived benefits to the town, including beautification and enhanced economic development. Additionally there is a section to gauge interest in voluteering for the Main Street Program.

Residents of both the town and the County are asked to complete the survey. A return-mail postcard may be found in local business establishments and dropped in convenient boxes, or completed online.

A brochure that outlines the goals of the Program has also been developed and is available with the survey. Current projects include providing strategic consulting for the Beale Sanctuary arts center, and the restoration of the Daw Theater, both located in the historic district.

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